High Arches

High Arched Foot (Pes Cavus)

A high arched foot can be an inherited structural abnormality or as a result of a neurologic disorder. As a result of the shape of the foot excessive pressure is placed on the ball of the foot and heel.


A high arched foot structure can result in pain in the ball and heel of the foot with prolonged standing or walking. As a result of the biomechanical structure of the foot other deformities can occur. Hammertoes and claw toes are commonly seen in patients with high arch foot structure. When the deformity is a result of a neurologic disease weakness of the muscles about the foot and ankle can occur resulting in instability.


The diagnosis of a cavus foot structure if based on a physical exam and detailed family history. Plain film x-rays are often performed to access the extent of the deformity.


The use of arch supports, orthotics and braces provide stability to the foot. Cushion pads and innersoles can aid in decreasing pressure in the ball of the foot. For individuals who have developed hammer toes or clawtoes a shoe with deep toe box is helpful, as are accommodative pads for the toes. Footsupplystore.com has all of these products available on there site. If over the counter products do not provide adequate support custom made orthotic devices or braces are often beneficial. If conservative care fails to alleviate the pain surgery may be indicated.